• un travail remarquable - en toute transparence


    + 140 % d'augmentation pour le smic présidentiel ?

    c'est ce notre hyper-président appelle travailler plus pour gagner plus !

    et le smic alors ??

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    Mardi 30 Octobre 2007 à 19:01
    I keep telling my husband that he does not pay me enough. Back in Amsterdam and exausted, Maxine is much better and the Boyz are happy. Talk on the phone soon. Kizz kizz MMaxi
    Mardi 30 Octobre 2007 à 19:01
    Ben voui, faut bien rémunérer l'mérite. Faut bien tenir les promesses sur les baisses des dépenses de l'Etat. Va bien falloir que je m'occupe de ma caissière, moâ.
    Mardi 30 Octobre 2007 à 19:03
    MMaxi :) You know, our président needs to be paid only because of his great existence, devotion is our master word ;)
    Mardi 30 Octobre 2007 à 19:09
    Mouhaha Jo
    J'avais pas vu ton titre :)
    Mardi 30 Octobre 2007 à 19:30
    and devotion are two words very far apart. This Man is from the new school of politicians that are only interested in themselves. SHAME SHAME SHAME Bisous bisous MMaxi
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    Mardi 30 Octobre 2007 à 19:57
    Old Shool of politicians
    Sometimes maybe in world history. Never lived old. But you're right anyway : we are living strange times. Accute materialism, accute destruction. Responses : "political pragmatism".
    Mercredi 31 Octobre 2007 à 14:10
    lol my friends
    yeah materialism obssession..as soon as I read that on the 'le monde' I said dam! the bastard is doing it in the beginning of his 'mandature' in 5 years everybody will have forgotten it ! anyway, he has nearly 70 million extra for his functional expenses at élysée palace, we know why peopole go there don't we ? but now it's all 'transparent' clear, he is just telling you to work & get fucked! the problem is that I don't like both. (by the way there's a hidden link to the le monde article/news on the 140% just clic xxx;) and now let's go to work more and earn the same. talk to U2 later! tamorrow bank holiday yuppi yoooo !
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